Quitting smoking is a challenging process. Nicotine and other chemical pollutants in cigarettes leave toxins in the blood stream and all of the body's organs. As one begins a quit smoking program and afterward should flush toxins in order to purify the body from smoking's carcinogenic detritus. There are nutrient, herbal and fasting alternatives to help detoxify your body from smoking.Quitting smoking is a challenging process. Nicotine and other chemical pollutants in cigarettes leave toxins in the blood stream and all of the body's organs. As one begins a quit smoking program and afterward should flush toxins in order to purify the body from smoking's carcinogenic detritus. There are nutrient, herbal and fasting alternatives to help detoxify your body from smoking.
Herbs and pills You'll Need for detoxification
* Coenzyme Q10
* Vitamin E
* Distilled water
* 6 tbsp. heaping ground (not instant or decaf) coffee
* Enema bag
* Vitamin E oil
* Burdock root
* Red clover
* Juicer
* Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables
* Organic lemons
* Cilantro
* Vitamin C tablets
* Milk thistle capsules
* Turmeric powder
* Strength
* Water
* Detox Tea
* A replacement (discussed later)
* Healthy eating habits
* Multi-Vitamins or Wellness Tea
Water, water, water ~ It's no big secret that water is the perfect drink. It cleanses your system and helps restore moisture smoking has been robbing you of. Adding lemon juice to your water can make it more appetizing, and some believe it has additional purifying effects. If you struggle with water, try adding a little here and there. Add ice to all your beverages. Instead of chugging giant water bottles, drink one mug of water for every cup of coffee you drink.
Step 2
Multivitamins ~ Many people in traditional and alternative health believe that smoking interferes with your body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. Part of your post-smoking detox plan should be a quality daily multivitamin.
Step 3
Calcium ~ Adding calcium to your diet will also help replace a vital nutrient most smokers are lacking.
Step 4
Exercise ~ You may not be ready to run a marathon yet, but exercising at any level will increase your oxygen levels and promote better cardiovascular health. It will also encourage water consumption and sweating (see next step). Start by walking or swimming. A little every day will help. Build up to a more demanding regimen over time.
Step 5
Sweat ~ Sweating is one of best natural detoxifying methods available. Sweating removes toxins from your system and encourages the water consumption/waste release cycle. Whether you sit in a sauna, run a mile, or just workout at your own fitness level, sweating will help your body recover from the years of toxic consumption.
step 6
Vitamin E
Take vital nutrients coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E. Coenzyme Q10 kills free radicals that are produced by cigarette smoke. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant to protect cell and organs from smoke damage.
Step 7
Burdock Root
Drink burdock root tea or red clover tea. Burdock root helps to flush excess fluids and toxins. Add 1 tsp. of burdock root to 1 cup of distilled water. Boil, lower heat and simmer at least 10 minutes. Strain. Drink three times daily. Red clover purifies the blood stream and strengthens the immune system. Steep 1 tsp of dried red clover in 1 cup of boiling distilled water. Steep for at least 10 minutes. Drink 1 to 3 cups per day.
Step 8
Take coffee enemas daily to stimulate the liver and gallbladder to release toxins and flush them from the body. Add 6 full tbs.of ground coffee to 2 qts. distilled water in a large pan. Boil for 15 minutes. Cool and strain. Use 1 pint per application. You can refrigerate the remainder in a closed jar for later use.
Step 9
Fast with live juices to stimulate cleansing and to promote healing. A 3-day fast rids toxins and purifies blood. There are longer fasts, but this will not stress you out. For two days prior to the fast, eat only raw fruits and vegetables. Drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of distilled water daily. For the three days of the fast, drink live vegetable and fruit juices. Good choices include organic apple, beet, cabbage, carrot and celery juices. Drink juices as soon as they are ready. Lead out of the 3-day fast with another two days of eating only fresh fruits and vegetables.
step 10
Eat cilantro. This herb contains potent essential oils that help flush out lead from your body. It also aids in detoxification and restores normal cellular function. Add plenty of cilantro to your main dishes and consume daily.
Step 11
Take ascorbic acid (vitamin C) tablets. This vitamin enhances your immune system and can speed up the elimination of lead from your body by mobilizing lead from your tissues. The recommended dosage is two 500-mg capsules once a day.
Step 12
Eat foods rich in fiber. Fiber quickly binds to lead and helps draw lead out of your body. Foods rich in fiber include red beet roots, oat bran, prunes and figs. Consume these kinds of foods on a daily basis.
Step 13
Consume milk thistle in capsule form. Your liver is your body's primary organ of detoxification. Milk thistle includes the phytochemical silymarin that supports your liver by flushing out lead and its compounds. Take one 380-mg capsule once daily, preferably with food.
Step 14
Consume turmeric powder. This East Asian spice includes a powerful substance called curcumin which stimulates your liver cells to eliminate lead and other toxins. Add this potent spice to your main dishes and consume every day.
Taking a multi-vitamin helps but if your like me and don't like taking pills everyday try a well-ness tea. My favorite is Celestial Seasonings Echinacea Complete Care Wellness Tea. It tastes great hot or iced and it's caffeine free! I drink this all the time instead of coffee.
Eat sensibly and I believe you will stay smoke free. check back for the remaining part of this topic tomorrrow.