Friday, May 22, 2009


Diabetes is a disease of civilization.Studies of various population show that, as the consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates such as white bread and rice increases, so does the incident of diabetes. In groups where no refined sugars are consumed and the diet includes unrefined whole grains, little or no diabetes can be found.
Studies done in Finland, Italy, and America within the last 10 years have also shown there is a cause-and-effect relashionship between milk consumption and juvenile diabetes. There are more than 20 different protein components in milk that are implicated in a number of possible immunologically medicated reactions. For example, it is now suggested that
juvenile diabetes starts with an allergy to whey protein in cow’s milk.
Undigested whey gets into the bloodstream, and the immune system produces antibodies to this foreign protein. Pancreatic beta cells (which produce insulin) closely resemble the antibody initiating the immune response called ‘stretch’ in the whey protein-that is, they are chemically similar-and so these antibodies attack and destroy the body’ own cells. Scandinavians are among the world’s heaviest milk drinkers and they have the highest rates of diabetes. Studies show feeding an infant cow’s milk formula in the first three months of life significantly increases the risk of diabetes.Studies done in Finland, Italy, and America within the last 10 years have also shown there is a cause-and-effect relashionship between milk consumption and juvenile diabetes. There are more than 20 different protein components in milk that are implicated in a number of possible immunologically medicated reactions. For example, it is now suggested that juvenile diabetes starts with an allergy to whey protein in cow’s milk. Undigested whey gets into the bloodstream, and the immune system produces antibodies to this foreign protein. Pancreatic beta cells (which produce insulin) closely resemble the antibody initiating the immune response called ‘stretch’ in the whey protein-that is, they are chemically similar-and so these antibodies attack and destroy the body’ own cells. Scandinavians are among the world’s heaviest milk drinkers and they have the highest rates of diabetes. Studies show feeding an infant cow’s milk formula in the first three months of life significantly increases the risk of diabetes.
Diabetes is closely associated with obesity and the consumption of refined carbohydrate seems to be the major contributing factor in this obesity. It is possible to consume a large amount of refined carbohydrate in the form sugar or refined grians such as white bread, macaroni, or white rice in a short time, since the bulky fibre has been removed.If, however, carbohydrates were taken in their natural,unrefined state, it would be impossible to consume even one-fifth of this amount. For example, if a person drinks only one bottle of soft drink in a few minutes[which may contain like 7 teaspoons of sugar] it would have taken them hours to eat the equivalent carbohydrate value found in apple, carrot,or whole grain bread.
Refined carbohydrate, especially in their disacharide form(i.e. sucrose,which is composed of on molecule of fructose and one of glucose), are especially a problem since they stimulate triglyceride formation associated with cardiovascular complications of diabetes. Adult-onset diabetes normally has an incubation period of about 20 years before it become manifest. As our children are exposed earlier and earlier to a vast amount of refined cereals, sweets and soft drinks, we are now finding what would be considered adult-onset diabetes in younger age groups.
Although consumption of refined carbohydrates is one of the major causes of diabetes by causing the pancreas to secrete excess insulin, or the body to become insensitive to insulin, and overworking the process and eventually weakening it - other factors play their part. Stress and adrenal exhaustion are factors in many cases.Although the pancreas, with its production of glucagon, which causes an increase in blood glucose levels,is the major antagonist to insulin in the control of blood sugar levels,the adrenal glands are also involved. Normally food is consumed and converted into glucose, raising the blood sugar level. The pancreas secretes insulin to remove the glucose from the blood. If the sugar level falls too low(as in hypoglycaemia) the adrenal glands secrete hormones that trigger the conversion of stored sugar in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen back to sugar for use.
These glands, the pancreas, liver and adrenals, are all under stress with either hypoglycaemia or hypergyermia .Stress is interpreted in the body as an emergency situation and the adrenal glands respond by secreting adrenalin to derive energy to deal with the supposed threat.If this is too often repeated,or too prolonged, as in chronic nervous tension, the pancreas,the adrenal, glands, and liver becomes severely depleted and fail to respond properly and hypoglycaemia or diabetes may result .Vitamin deficiencies such as B complex and vitamin C may be the result of this situation since the adrenal glands need large amounts of these nutrients to function. Refined carbohydrates, Stress, coffee, nicotine, and alcohol or recreational drugs all cause the adrenal glands to work in excess, and overstimulation will eventually lead to inhibition of function.Thus, we see that the civilized way of life is the largest factor in the causation of pancreatic and adrenal malfunction leading to diabetes.